璀璨賽事! 2026 WBC 經典賽賽制與時間地點全面解析

2026年第六屆世界棒球經典賽(World Baseball Classic,  2026 WBC )預定於2026年3月5日至3月17日舉行,全球棒球迷翹首以待。此次大賽共有20支隊伍角逐,全隊伍分為A、B、C、D四個分組,預賽場地分別設於日本東京、中華區波多黎各聖胡安、美國休士頓及邁阿密。中華隊突出重圍,晉級C組,並將於日本東京巨蛋迎接強敵挑戰。賽事堪稱2026年國際運動新聞的焦點,勢必吸引來自全球的目光。



2026 WBC經典賽將分階段進行,包括預賽、半準決賽、準決賽及冠軍決賽:

    • 預賽:3月5日至3月11日,分組地點如下:
        • A組:聖胡安塞拉畢松球場(Hiram Bithorn Stadium, San Juan, Puerto Rico)
      日期 時間 對戰組合 賽果
      3/6(四) 待定 古巴 巴拿馬
      待定 波多黎各 尼加拉瓜
      3/7(五) 待定 尼加拉瓜 加拿大
      待定 巴拿馬 波多黎各
      3/8(六) 待定 尼加拉瓜 古巴
      待定 巴拿馬 加拿大
      3/9(日) 待定 尼加拉瓜 巴拿馬
      待定 古巴 波多黎各
      3/10(一) 待定 加拿大 波多黎各
      3/11(二) 待定 加拿大 古巴
        • B組:休士頓Minute Maid球場
      日期 時間 對戰組合 賽果
      3/6(四) 待定 墨西哥 英國
      待定 美國 巴西
      3/7(五) 待定 巴西 義大利
      待定 英國 美國
      3/8(六) 待定 英國 義大利
      待定 巴西 墨西哥
      3/9(日) 待定 巴西 英國
      待定 墨西哥 美國
      3/10(一) 待定 義大利 美國
      3/11(二) 待定 義大利 墨西哥
        • C組:日本東京巨蛋,包含中華隊的賽事場地
      日期 時間 對戰組合 賽果
      3/5(三) 11:00 台灣 澳洲
      18:00 捷克 韓國
      3/6(四) 11:00 澳洲 捷克
      18:00 日本 台灣
      3/7(五) 11:00 台灣 捷克
      18:00 韓國 日本
      3/8(六) 11:00 台灣 韓國
      18:00 澳洲 日本
      3/9(日) 待定 韓國 澳洲
      3/10(一) 待定 捷克 日本
        • D組:邁阿密LoanDepot Park
      日期 時間 對戰組合 賽果
      3/6(四) 待定 荷蘭 委內瑞拉
      待定 哥倫比亞 多明尼加
      3/7(五) 待定 哥倫比亞 荷蘭
      待定 以色列 委內瑞拉
      3/8(六) 待定 荷蘭 多明尼加
      待定 哥倫比亞 以色列
      3/9(日) 待定 多明尼加 以色列
      待定 委內瑞拉 哥倫比亞
      3/10(一) 待定 以色列 荷蘭
      3/11(二) 待定 多明尼加 委內瑞拉
    • 半準決賽:3月13日至14日,A、B組於休士頓進行,C、D組於邁阿密舉行。
日期 時間 對戰組合(待定) 賽果
3/15(六) 待定 半準決賽晉級隊伍1 半準決賽晉級隊伍3
3/16(日) 待定 半準決賽晉級隊伍2 半準決賽晉級隊伍4
    • 準決賽及決賽:3月15日至17日均在邁阿密進行,冠軍爭奪戰將誕生於此。
日期 時間 對戰組合(待定) 賽果
3/17(一) 待定 準決賽晉級隊伍1 準決賽晉級隊伍2



    • 3月5日:早上11:00 對澳洲
    • 3月6日:下午6:00 挑戰日本
    • 3月7日:早上11:00 對捷克
    • 3月8日:早上11:00 對南韓


東京巨蛋作為C組的比賽地點,預計爆滿,特別是日本隊出賽時。因此,建議球迷提前註冊World Baseball Classic官網,以掌握門票最新預購資訊。門票通常為全日票,相當划算,可以同日觀看多場精彩賽事。同時,赴東京的球迷可選擇便利的住宿,靠近交通樞紐的飯店更為理想,縮短通勤時間。此外,精選飯店大多位於後樂園站、水道橋站及東京Metro沿線,建議旅者選擇彈性高的預訂方式確保行程順暢。


2026年的中華隊陣容尚未公布,但球迷期待在美國職棒(MLB)中持續發光的台灣選手有機會代表國家出賽。例如底特律老虎隊的李灝宇(Hao-Yu Lee)、亞利桑那響尾蛇隊的林昱珉(Yu-Min Lin)以及費城費城人隊的潘文輝(Wen-Huei Pan)等備受矚目。此外,亞裔混血球星柯賓·卡洛爾(Corbin Carroll)和史都華·費爾柴德(Stuart Fairchild)也可能代表台灣參與經典賽,為球迷帶來驚喜。

亞利桑那響尾蛇隊的林昱珉(Yu-Min Lin)
亞利桑那響尾蛇隊的林昱珉(Yu-Min Lin)




根據過往賽事,東道主日本隊最被看好,作為歷屆冠軍頭號種子,其明星選手如大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)以及鈴木誠也(Seiya Suzuki)皆可能參戰。中華隊若能於C組拚出佳績,將再度印證亞洲棒球實力。本次賽事人氣強隊還包括擁有MLB頂級球星的美國、多明尼加等國,均為冠軍強力競爭者。

日本隊明星選手如大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)以及鈴木誠也(Seiya Suzuki)皆可能參戰。
日本隊明星選手如大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)以及鈴木誠也(Seiya Suzuki)皆可能參戰。

The 2026 6th World Baseball Classic (World Baseball Classic, 2026 WBC) is scheduled to take place from March 5 to March 17, 2026, eagerly awaited by baseball fans worldwide. This tournament will feature 20 teams divided into four groups: A, B, C, and D. Preliminary matches will be held in Tokyo, Japan, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Houston, USA, and Miami, USA. The Taiwan team (Team Taiwan) has successfully advanced to Group C and will face strong opponents at the Tokyo Dome in Japan. This tournament is expected to be a major highlight in international sports news, drawing the attention of fans globally.

Overview of Schedules and Venues

The 2026 WBC will be conducted in phases, including the preliminary rounds, quarterfinals, semifinals, and the championship final:

      • Preliminary Rounds: March 5 to March 11, with games played at the following venues:
        • Group A: Hiram Bithorn Stadium, San Juan, Puerto Rico
    Date Time Matchups Results
    3/6 (Thu) TBD Cuba vs. Panama
    3/6 (Thu) TBD Puerto Rico vs. Nicaragua
    3/7 (Fri) TBD Nicaragua vs. Canada
    3/7 (Fri) TBD Panama vs. Puerto Rico
    3/8 (Sat) TBD Nicaragua vs. Cuba
    3/8 (Sat) TBD Panama vs. Canada
    3/9 (Sun) TBD Nicaragua vs. Panama
    3/9 (Sun) TBD Cuba vs. Puerto Rico
    3/10 (Mon) TBD Canada vs. Puerto Rico
    3/11 (Tue) TBD Canada vs. Cuba
        • Group B: Minute Maid Park, Houston, USA
    Date Time Matchups Results
    3/6 (Thu) TBD Mexico vs. United Kingdom
    3/6 (Thu) TBD USA vs. Brazil
    3/7 (Fri) TBD Brazil vs. Italy
    3/7 (Fri) TBD United Kingdom vs. USA
    3/8 (Sat) TBD United Kingdom vs. Italy
    3/8 (Sat) TBD Brazil vs. Mexico
    3/9 (Sun) TBD Brazil vs. United Kingdom
    3/9 (Sun) TBD Mexico vs. USA
    3/10 (Mon) TBD Italy vs. USA
    3/11 (Tue) TBD Italy vs. Mexico
    • Group C: Tokyo Dome, Japan (including matches for Team Taiwan)
    Date Time Matchups Results
    3/5 (Wed) 11:00 Taiwan vs. Australia
    3/5 (Wed) 18:00 Czech Republic vs. South Korea
    3/6 (Thu) 11:00 Australia vs. Czech Republic
    3/6 (Thu) 18:00 Japan vs. Taiwan
    3/7 (Fri) 11:00 Taiwan vs. Czech Republic
    3/7 (Fri) 18:00 South Korea vs. Japan
    3/8 (Sat) 11:00 Taiwan vs. South Korea
    3/8 (Sat) 18:00 Australia vs. Japan
    3/9 (Sun) TBD South Korea vs. Australia
    3/10 (Mon) TBD Czech Republic vs. Japan
    • Group D: LoanDepot Park, Miami, USA
    Date Time Matchups Results
    3/6 (Thu) TBD Netherlands vs. Venezuela
    3/6 (Thu) TBD Colombia vs. Dominican Republic
    3/7 (Fri) TBD Colombia vs. Netherlands
    3/7 (Fri) TBD Israel vs. Venezuela
    3/8 (Sat) TBD Netherlands vs. Dominican Republic
    3/8 (Sat) TBD Colombia vs. Israel
    3/9 (Sun) TBD Dominican Republic vs. Israel
    3/9 (Sun) TBD Venezuela vs. Colombia
    3/10 (Mon) TBD Israel vs. Netherlands
    3/11 (Tue) TBD Dominican Republic vs. Venezuela


    The quarterfinals will be held from March 13 to 14. Matches for Group A and Group B winners will take place in Houston, USA, while matches for Group C and Group D winners will be held in Miami, USA. The schedule for the quarterfinals is as follows:

    Date Time Matchups (TBD) Results
    3/13 (Fri) TBD Winner Group A vs. Runner-up Group B
    3/13 (Fri) TBD Winner Group B vs. Runner-up Group A
    3/14 (Sat) TBD Winner Group C vs. Runner-up Group D
    3/14 (Sat) TBD Winner Group D vs. Runner-up Group C

    Semifinals and Championship

    The semifinals will take place on March 15 and 16, and the grand championship final will be held on March 17, all at LoanDepot Park in Miami, USA.

    Date Time Matchups (TBD) Results
    3/15 (Sat) TBD Quarterfinal Winner 1 vs. Quarterfinal Winner 3
    3/16 (Sun) TBD Quarterfinal Winner 2 vs. Quarterfinal Winner 4
    3/17 (Mon) TBD Semifinal Winner 1 vs. Semifinal Winner 2

    Team Taiwan's Full Preliminary Schedule in Group C

    Group C poses immense challenges with competitive teams, including host Japan, South Korea, and Australia. Below is the full schedule of Team Taiwan:

        • March 5: 11:00 AM vs. Australia
        • March 6: 6:00 PM vs. Japan
        • March 7: 11:00 AM vs. Czech Republic
        • March 8: 11:00 AM vs. South Korea

    Viewing Guide & Tickets for Tokyo Dome

    The Tokyo Dome, as the venue for Group C matches, is anticipated to be sold out, especially during Japan's games. Fans are encouraged to sign up on the official World Baseball Classic website for ticket pre-sale updates. Tickets are usually all-day passes, providing excellent value by allowing spectators to watch multiple games in a single day. For those traveling to Tokyo, it is recommended to book accommodations near transit hubs for convenience. Hotels near Korakuen Station, Suidobashi Station, or along the Tokyo Metro lines are highly preferred. Flexible booking options ensure a smoother trip.

    Team Taiwan Players to Watch For

    The official 2026 roster for Team Taiwan has yet to be announced, but fans expect standout Taiwanese players from Major League Baseball (MLB) to represent the country. Players such as Hao-Yu Lee (Detroit Tigers), Yu-Min Lin (Arizona Diamondbacks), and Wen-Huei Pan (Philadelphia Phillies) are under the spotlight. Furthermore, mixed-heritage stars like Corbin Carroll and Stuart Fairchild may also participate, promising an exciting surprise for fans.

    Rules and Highlights

    This year's WBC introduces stricter time limits for pitchers and catchers. Pitchers have 15 seconds to deliver the ball with no runners on base, and 18 seconds with runners on base. Pitch count limits will also apply: 65 pitches in the preliminary rounds, 80 in the quarterfinals, and 95 in the finals, ensuring a fast-paced and engaging tournament. The classic WBC tie-breaking mechanism also applies: if the game remains tied in the 11th inning, the last batter before the inning starts at second base for each team.

    Highlighting Strength and Global Competitiveness

    Historically, the host nation Japan remains a favorite, being a consistent top-tier contender with superstar players like Shohei Ohtani and Seiya Suzuki potentially participating. If Taiwan manages to excel in Group C, it would further showcase the strength of Asian baseball. Other strong contenders, including the United States and the Dominican Republic, featuring top MLB stars, will pose tough competition in this highly anticipated championship.

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