2026年第四屆世界棒球經典賽( 2026 WBC )將迎來革命性變革,參賽隊伍從20隊擴增至40隊,創下國際棒球賽事規模新紀錄。本屆賽事首度劃分八大賽區進行預選賽,決賽圈預計於美國邁阿密LoanDepot Park舉行。運動新聞獨家解析衛冕軍日本隊的大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)與村上宗隆(Munetaka Murakami)雙王牌組合、美國隊的「億元打線」佈局,以及多明尼加豪華投打陣容,帶您掌握這場全球棒球盛宴的關鍵看點。 [caption id="attachment_56695" align="alignnone" width="800"] 日本隊的大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)與村上宗隆(Munetaka Murakami)雙王牌組合[/caption]
為什麼是叫 2026 WBC?而不是 2025 WBC?
世界棒球經典賽(World Baseball Classic,簡稱WBC)舉辦時間定為2026年,而不是2025年,主要因為該賽事每三年或四年舉行一次,遵循其跨年周期規劃。上一屆WBC於2023年舉行,因此按照賽事慣例,新一屆被安排在2026年,以確保足夠的時間讓參賽國家進行準備和完整的賽事運營。此外,2025年則被設置為資格賽年份,用以確定最後四支晉級主賽事的隊伍。
[caption id="attachment_56697" align="alignnone" width="764"] 世界棒球經典賽(World Baseball Classic,簡稱WBC)舉辦時間定為2026年[/caption]
本屆WBC最大亮點在於將預選賽擴展至非洲、大洋洲等新興棒球地區,首度納入南非、奈及利亞等隊伍。八大賽區分為亞太、北美、拉丁美洲、歐洲、加勒比海、非洲、中東與大洋洲,各區通過三階段資格賽爭奪16張決賽門票。台灣將於亞太區與韓國、澳洲等強權競爭,能否繼2013年後再度闖入八強,將是國內球迷關注焦點。 [caption id="attachment_56698" align="alignnone" width="686"]
運動新聞|經典賽規定嚴格 投球秒數與壘包加大等徹底執行
2026世界棒球經典賽資格賽今天在台北大巨蛋開打,由於這次經典賽有很多規定,都是比照大聯盟,因此格外受到注目,本屆資格賽將比照大聯盟採用投手秒數規定,另外壘包加大,以及安檢等全部比照大聯盟例行賽。 根據大聯盟,以及這屆賽事規定,投手在壘上無人時必須於15秒內完成投球,壘上有人時則為18秒。捕手則須在9秒前就位,打者也須在8秒內進入打擊區。 取消一人投手的規定,投手一旦登板必須面對至少3名打者或完成該局才能換投,唯一例外是因傷病無法繼續比賽。為了維持比賽節奏,投手每打席僅有3次牽制機會,第3次若未能成功抓到跑者將被判投手犯規。 此外,這次比賽也有5局15分,7局10分的提前結束規定,突破僵局也有相關規定,最後又加上「禁止極端的守備佈陣」,所以,每隊都要確實遵守。
美國隊本次誓言雪恥,組建史上最豪華打線——洛杉磯天使隊麥克·楚奧特(Mike Trout)與紐約洋基隊胡安·索托(Juan Soto)組成「億元外野」,搭配費城人隊布萊斯·哈波(Bryce Harper)的破壞力。投手群由柯爾賓·伯恩斯(Corbin Burnes)與新世代火球男保羅·史凱恩斯(Paul Skenes)領銜,能否突破國際賽「援護不足」魔咒,將成奪冠關鍵。
美國隊本次誓言雪恥,組建史上最豪華打線——洛杉磯天使隊麥克·楚奧特(Mike Trout)與紐約洋基隊胡安·索托(Juan Soto)組成「億元外野」
多明尼加共和國持續輸出頂尖大聯盟戰力,本次WBC陣容星光熠熠——西雅圖水手隊游擊手朱力斯·羅德里奎茲(Julio Rodríguez)、聖地牙哥教士隊外野手小弗拉迪米爾·格雷羅(Vladimir Guerrero Jr.)與芝加哥白襪強投迪倫·席斯(Dylan Cease)組成攻守核心。該隊最大優勢在於牛棚深度,擁有終結者伊曼紐·克拉塞(Emmanuel Clase)等五名百英里火球投手。
多明尼加隊最大優勢在於牛棚深度,擁有終結者伊曼紐·克拉塞(Emmanuel Clase)等五名百英里火球投手。
古巴隊近年打破叛逃禁令,成功整合MLB新星如芝加哥白襪隊路易斯·羅伯特(Luis Robert Jr.)與休士頓太空人隊約丹·阿爾瓦雷斯(Yordan Álvarez)。台灣隊則倚賴旅美雙雄張育成(波士頓紅襪)與鄧愷威(明尼蘇達雙城),搭配中職新生代強打廖健富(樂天桃猿),力拚亞太區出線。關鍵在於投手群能否壓制韓國隊的姜白虎(KT巫師)與日本社會人聯隊的混合火力。
大聯盟在2024年11月13日宣布2025年經典賽資格賽(World Baseball Classic qualifiers 2025 )相關資訊,包含中華隊在內,有4支隊伍將在臺北大巨蛋內爭奪資格,另一組則在美國亞利桑那州的土桑市力拚出線。
#98 沙子宸(運動家體系)
#45 林維恩(運動家體系)
#48 莊陳仲敖(運動家體系)
#44 陳柏毓(匹茲堡海盜體系)
#96 孫易磊(北海道日本火腿鬥士育成選手)
#29 徐翔聖(東京養樂多燕子育成選手)
#58 呂彥青(中信兄弟)
#12 陳韻文(統一7-ELEVEn獅)
#9 陳柏豪(樂天桃猿)
#37 呂詠臻(樂天桃猿)
#69 徐若熙(味全龍)
#60 曾峻岳(富邦悍將)
#16 李東洺(富邦悍將)
#55 伍祐城(台鋼雄鷹)
#77 陳宇宏(台鋼雄鷹)
#17 高宇杰(中信兄弟)
#65 陳重羽(統一7-ELEVEn獅)
#63 蔣少宏(味全龍)
#15 林子偉(樂天桃猿)
#22 李宗賢(富邦悍將)
#18 張育成(富邦悍將)
#39 吳念庭(台鋼雄鷹)
#8 曾子祐(台鋼雄鷹)
#6 王博玄(台鋼雄鷹)
#88 宋晟睿(中信兄弟)
#24 陳傑憲(統一7-ELEVEn獅)*隊長
#20 林佳緯(統一7-ELEVEn獅)
#3 陳文杰(台鋼雄鷹)
The 2026 World Baseball Classic (WBC) will feature groundbreaking changes, expanding from 20 to 40 teams, making it the largest international baseball event ever. For the first time, the tournament introduces eight regional qualifiers, with the finals set to take place at LoanDepot Park, Miami. Key storylines include Shohei Ohtani and Munetaka Murakami leading reigning champions Japan, Team USA’s “Billion-Dollar Outfield,” and the Dominican Republic’s powerhouse roster.
Why 2026 WBC and Not 2025?
Traditionally, WBC is held every three to four years to allow adequate preparation and planning. The last tournament took place in 2023, making 2026 the natural timeline for the next event. In 2025, qualification tournaments will determine the final four teams competing in the expanded tournament.
2025 Qualification Tournament Schedule
According to the setup, qualifiers will occur in Taipei and Arizona from February 21 to March 6, 2025. These qualifiers will decide the final four spots in the tournament, ensuring enough preparation time for the main event.
Global Expansion: Eight Regions, New Teams
The WBC expands to include Africa and Oceania, welcoming teams like South Africa and Nigeria. The eight regions—Asia-Pacific, North America, Latin America, Europe, Caribbean, Africa, Middle East, and Oceania—will battle through three-stage qualifiers to claim 16 final tournament spots. Countries like Taiwan aim to secure a spot in the Asia-Pacific region against powerhouse teams like South Korea and Australia.
Tournament Rule Changes
Major League Baseball rules will be implemented, including pitch timer regulations, larger bases, and shifts in bullpen usage. Rules include 15-second pitch timers when bases are empty, 18 seconds with runners on, and hitters entering the box within 8 seconds. Defensive shifts are banned, and games may end early under the 10-run (7-inning) or 15-run (5-inning) mercy rule.
Team Japan: Led by Shohei Ohtani
Japan embarks on its title defense under Head Coach Hideki Kuriyama. Featuring stars like Shohei Ohtani and Munetaka Murakami, Japan boasts a balanced lineup and a deep bullpen for the competitive schedule. Emerging talent Keita Inoue could make a shocking entry into the squad, following the path of Yu Darvish years ago.
Team USA: The “Billion-Dollar Outfield”
Seeking redemption, Team USA has assembled its most impressive lineup yet. Mike Trout and Juan Soto headline the so-called "Billion-Dollar Outfield," joined by Bryce Harper. On the mound, Corbin Burnes and Paul Skenes lead the pitching staff, which looks to overcome past struggles in international tournaments.
Dominican Republic: Powerhouse Focus on Pitching
The Dominican Republic continues to dominate WBC with star-studded players such as Julio Rodríguez, Vladimir Guerrero Jr., and Dylan Cease. Their bullpen showcases unmatched depth, featuring Emmanuel Clase and multiple pitchers capable of delivering 100mph fastballs.
Underdogs: Taiwan and Cuba’s New Opportunities
Cuba leverages MLB stars like Luis Robert Jr. and Yordan Álvarez after lifting restrictions on MLB players. Taiwan relies on MLB talents such as Yu-Cheng Chang and Kuo Wei Cheng, alongside CPBL star Liao Chien-Fu, in hopes of qualifying through Asia-Pacific playoffs. Success hinges on their pitching staff curbing offenses from competitors like Korea and Japan's star-studded lineups.
Taiwan Lineup for WBC Qualification
The qualification round will feature Taiwan against South Africa, Nicaragua, and Spain at the Taipei Dome. Players include MLB stars like Yu-Cheng Chang and a strong supporting squad made up of CPBL talents.