2025 MLB 最弱年輕戰力盤點:費城人、洋基墊底,白襪重

隨著 2025 MLB 春訓展開,各隊年輕戰力的深度成為焦點。美國媒體《Yahoo Sports》最新公布的「26歲以下球員戰力排名」中,費城費城人(Phillies)、科羅拉多洛磯(Rockies)、芝加哥白襪(White Sox)、邁阿密馬林魚(Marlins)與紐約洋基(Yankees)位居末段班。這五隊共通點在於農場系統青黃不接,或過度依賴資深球星,導致年輕球員缺乏發揮空間。本文從運動新聞角度解析各隊困境,並展望未來的重建方向。


費城人以總分10分(滿分30)墊底,主因在於球隊長期以「Win-Now」模式運作,將資源集中在布萊斯·哈波(Bryce Harper)、崔亞·透納(Trea Turner)等球星,導致農場排名低迷。26歲以下的大聯盟球員中,僅外野手約翰·羅哈斯(Johan Rojas)與後援投手奧瑞恩·克克寧(Orion Kerkering)具備即戰力。羅哈斯雖是頂級防守中堅手,但去年打擊率僅.238、OPS.601,慘澹攻擊數據恐讓其失去先發位置;克克寧則以95英哩速球搭配犀利滑球,成為牛棚關鍵角色。 農場方面,右投安德魯·佩因特(Andrew Painter)曾被譽為「天才投手」,但因韌帶手術沉寂兩年,今年能否復活將左右費城人投手布局。游擊新秀艾登·米勒(Aidan Miller)打擊潛力受矚目,但整體農場缺乏深度,難以支撐長期競爭力。
右投安德魯·佩因特(Andrew Painter)曾被譽為「天才投手」,但因韌帶手術沉寂兩年,今年能否復活將左右費城人投手布局。
右投安德魯·佩因特(Andrew Painter)曾被譽為「天才投手」,但因韌帶手術沉寂兩年,今年能否復活將左右費城人投手布局。


年輕打者如游擊手埃塞奎爾·托瓦(Ezequiel Tovar)與一壘手麥可·托格利亞(Michael Toglia)逐漸站穩大聯盟。
年輕打者如游擊手埃塞奎爾·托瓦(Ezequiel Tovar)與一壘手麥可·托格利亞(Michael Toglia)逐漸站穩大聯盟。
洛磯最大問題仍在投手養成。儘管2023年選進的頂級新秀蔡斯·多蘭德(Chase Dollander)速球評價極高,但洛磯近年缺乏成功案例,加上科羅拉多高原環境不利投手發展,年輕手臂能否突破「投手墳場」魔咒仍是未知數。


白襪去年吞下121敗寫下歷史恥辱,球隊徹底進入重建,農場排名雖升至第2,但大聯盟年輕戰力僅獲11分。游擊手寇爾森·蒙哥馬利(Colson Montgomery)被寄予厚望,但去年3A打擊率僅.240、三振率27%,亟需實戰磨練。捕手凱爾·提爾(Kyle Teel)與外野手布雷登·蒙哥馬利(Braden Montgomery)透過交易加盟,前者被評為「攻守兼備的捕手新星」,後者則有長打潛力,但皆需時間驗證。 白襪投手群是少數亮點,左投諾亞·舒爾茲(Noah Schultz)與哈根·史密斯(Hagen Smith)被譽為「新一代左右護法」。舒爾茲身高6呎9吋,搭配98英哩速球與頂級滑球,去年在2A防禦率僅2.45;史密斯則以大學王牌之姿加盟,三振能力突出,兩人有望成為未來輪值核心。
白襪投手群是少數亮點,左投諾亞·舒爾茲(Noah Schultz)與哈根·史密斯(Hagen Smith)被譽為「新一代左右護法」。
白襪投手群是少數亮點,左投諾亞·舒爾茲(Noah Schultz)與哈根·史密斯(Hagen Smith)被譽為「新一代左右護法」。


馬林魚總管彼得·班迪克斯(Peter Bendix)上任後發動15筆交易,換回23名新秀,但大聯盟戰力青黃不接,排名跌至第27。游擊手薩維爾·愛德華茲(Xavier Edwards)去年打擊率.328、盜壘31次,展現頂級腳程,但長打能力不足;農場左投托馬斯·懷特(Thomas White)被評為「下一個王牌」,去年在A級聯盟防禦率2.89,滑球與變速球評價極高。 最大期待仍是右投尤里·裴瑞茲(Eury Pérez),這位20歲火球男2023年以2.36防禦率驚豔聯盟,去年因韌帶手術缺席整季,預計今年夏季回歸。若裴瑞茲能重拾身手,搭配懷特與麥斯·梅爾(Max Meyer),馬林魚有望再現「投手王國」榮光。 [caption id="attachment_56626" align="alignnone" width="762"]尤里·裴瑞茲(Eury Pérez)搭配懷特與麥斯·梅爾(Max Meyer),馬林魚有望再現「投手王國」榮光。
尤里·裴瑞茲(Eury Pérez)搭配懷特與麥斯·梅爾(Max Meyer),馬林魚有望再現「投手王國」榮光。


洋基以11分跌至第26名,主因是胡安·索托(Juan Soto)離隊與農場深度下滑。年輕打線仍具看點,游擊手安東尼·沃爾普(Anthony Volpe)去年13轟、28盜,守備穩健;外野手賈森·多明格茲(Jasson Domínguez)傷癒復出後,長打潛力依舊受期待。捕手奧斯汀·威爾斯(Austin Wells)攻守均衡,被視為未來主戰人選。 農場投手群因連年交易幾近枯竭,僅右投威爾·沃倫(Will Warren)被評為「即戰力先發」,但其三振能力普通,天花板有限。洋基若想維持競爭力,需在季中交易市場再度出手,但此舉恐進一步透支農場未來。 [caption id="attachment_56627" align="alignnone" width="730"]洋基右投威爾·沃倫(Will Warren)被評為「即戰力先發」,但其三振能力普通,天花板有限。
洋基右投威爾·沃倫(Will Warren)被評為「即戰力先發」,但其三振能力普通,天花板有限。

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2025 MLB Spring Training: Focus on Young Talent Depth

As the 2025 MLB Spring Training begins, the depth of young talent across teams has become a focal point. According to the latest "26-and-under Power Rankings" by Yahoo Sports, the Philadelphia Phillies, Colorado Rockies, Chicago White Sox, Miami Marlins, and New York Yankees rank at the bottom. These teams share common issues: either their farm systems are underdeveloped, or they rely too heavily on veteran stars, leaving little room for young players to shine. This article analyzes their challenges and future rebuilding directions from a sports news perspective.

Phillies: The Cost of a Star-Studded Roster, Farm System Lacks Depth

The Phillies rank last with a score of 10/30, primarily due to their "Win-Now" approach, focusing resources on stars like Bryce Harper and Trea Turner. Among their 26-and-under MLB players, only outfielder Johan Rojas and reliever Orion Kerkering are impactful. Rojas is a top defensive center fielder but struggled offensively last year (.238 AVG, .601 OPS). Kerkering, with a 95 mph fastball and sharp slider, is a key bullpen arm. In the farm system, right-hander Andrew Painter, once hailed as a "pitching prodigy," is recovering from Tommy John surgery. Shortstop Aidan Miller shows hitting potential, but the overall farm lacks depth, hindering long-term competitiveness.

Rockies: Emerging Hitters, Pitching Development Remains a Challenge

The Rockies rank 29th with 11 points. Young hitters like shortstop Ezequiel Tovar and first baseman Michael Toglia are establishing themselves in the majors. Tovar hit 26 HRs with a .763 OPS last year, while Toglia has power but a high strikeout rate (35.7%). Top prospect Charlie Condon, despite a stellar college career, struggled in pro ball due to injuries. Pitching remains the Rockies' biggest issue. Despite drafting Chase Dollander, a top pitching prospect in 2023, Colorado's high-altitude environment and lack of successful pitching development cast doubt on their young arms' potential.

White Sox: Farm System Shows Promise, MLB Talent Vacuum

The White Sox, after a historically bad 121-loss season, are in full rebuild mode. Their farm system ranks 2nd, but MLB talent scores only 11 points. Shortstop Colson Montgomery, despite a .240 AVG in Triple-A, is a key prospect. Catcher Kyle Teel and outfielder Braden Montgomery, acquired via trades, show promise but need time to develop. The pitching staff is a bright spot. Left-handers Noah Schultz and Hagen Smith are seen as future rotation anchors. Schultz, with a 98 mph fastball, posted a 2.45 ERA in Double-A last year, while Smith brings elite strikeout potential.

Marlins: Post-Trade Rebuild, Pitching Talent Offers Hope

The Marlins, after 15 trades under GM Peter Bendix, rank 27th. Shortstop Xavier Edwards, with a .328 AVG and 31 steals last year, lacks power but excels defensively. Top pitching prospect Thomas White, with a 2.89 ERA in A-ball, is seen as a future ace. The biggest hope is right-hander Eury Pérez, who dazzled in 2023 with a 2.36 ERA before Tommy John surgery sidelined him. If Pérez returns strong, alongside White and Max Meyer, the Marlins could revive their "pitching kingdom."

Yankees: Young Hitters Shine, Farm System Depleted

The Yankees rank 26th with 11 points, hurt by Juan Soto's departure and a depleted farm system. Shortstop Anthony Volpe (13 HR, 28 SB) and outfielder Jasson Domínguez offer promise. Catcher Austin Wells is seen as a future starter. The farm system's pitching is thin, with only Will Warren considered MLB-ready. To stay competitive, the Yankees may need to make mid-season trades, further depleting their farm.

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