
2024年世界 12強棒球錦標賽 即將開打,日本武士隊在B組預賽中蓄勢待發,準備與對手一同掀起比賽熱潮。即使有部分球員因傷無法上陣,日本隊的實力和看點依舊不減,讓人對接下來的精彩賽事充滿期待。這支隊伍不僅是一支國家代表隊,更是擁有多位備受矚目的日職球星。在這篇文章中,我們將為您介紹七位日本隊中不能錯過的明星選手,從投手到打者,各自的成長歷程和場上表現都值得深究。

戶鄉翔征(Shosei Togo)

以驚人的奪三振能力而聞名,戶鄉翔征(Shosei Togo)自高中時期即崭露頭角,並在日職賽場上逐漸嶄露頭角。從高中直到成為讀賣巨人隊的重要一員,戶鄉以其穩定的表現和高效的投球,連續保持著央聯三振王的頭銜。他的耐力和精準讓他成為了巨人隊乃至整個聯盟中不可或缺的投手之一。今年,他在甲子園球場為球隊投出無安打的傑出表現,再次證明了他的潛力和實力。

戶鄉翔征 讀賣巨人隊的投手,以其穩定的投球表現聞名。
戶鄉翔征 讀賣巨人隊的投手,以其穩定的投球表現聞名。

翁田大勢(Ohta Taisei)

作為新一代的火球終結者,翁田大勢(Ohta Taisei)在日職聯盟中迅速崛起。他以其快速的球速和穩定的投球表現,在巨人隊中擔任終結者的角色並多次完成關鍵救援。大勢的名字象徵著日職中一位迅速成名的投手,他不僅在新人賽季展現了優秀的成績,並且持續不斷突破自己的界限。本季他刷新了自己的最快球速,成為央聯不可忽視的一股新生力量。

翁田大勢 讀賣巨人的重要投手
翁田大勢 讀賣巨人的重要投手

高橋宏斗(Hiroto Takahashi)

作為新科央聯防禦率王,高橋宏斗(Hiroto Takahashi)的崛起之路無疑令人矚目。從學生時期的潛力股到成為中日龍隊的主力投手,高橋一直以穩定的表現和令人驚艷的投球技術為人稱道。他在2020年以154公里的球速引起熱議,而今年他以1.38的防禦率刷新了隊史紀錄,是球隊未來的中流砥柱。

高橋宏斗 效力於中日龍隊,其左打右投的投球風格令對手難以捉摸
高橋宏斗 效力於中日龍隊,其左打右投的投球風格令對手難以捉摸

牧秀悟(Shugo Maki)

牧秀悟(Shugo Maki)以其強大的打擊能力成為了橫濱隊的明星打者。在進入職棒以來,他每個賽季都展現出驚人的長打實力,是日職少見的強力新人之一。上個賽季的經典賽為他在國際賽事中打開了更多機會,這名年輕的二壘手將是日本隊在此次賽事中不可忽視的攻擊核心。

牧秀悟 神奈川的著名球星,效力於橫濱DeNA灣星。
牧秀悟 神奈川的著名球星,效力於橫濱DeNA灣星。

栗原陵矢(Ryoji Kurihara)

從捕手轉任外野,栗原陵矢(Ryoji Kurihara)憑藉其優異的打擊能力和防守覆蓋範圍成為福岡軟銀鷹隊的重要球員。經歷傷病後,栗原不僅穩定了出賽場次,還以洋聯首位的二壘安打數成為本季的打點王之一。他的回歸為球隊及日本隊注入了一劑強心針,也是該屆賽事中備受期待的球星之一。

栗原陵矢 憑藉其優異的打擊能力和防守覆蓋範圍成為福岡軟銀鷹隊的重要球員。
栗原陵矢 憑藉其優異的打擊能力和防守覆蓋範圍成為福岡軟銀鷹隊的重要球員。

辰己涼介(Ryosuke Tatsumi)

外野金手套獎得主辰己涼介(Ryosuke Tatsumi)因其無懈可擊的防守及優異的打擊能力而聞名。在樂天金鷲隊期間,他以397次刺殺打破了日職長達76年之久的紀錄,成為歷史新紀錄的締造者。本賽季,辰己不僅摘得了安打王的榮譽,還在打擊率方面創下個人職涯新高。他的表現讓他成為日職賽場上一顆耀眼的明星,有望在12強賽中繼續發揮關鍵作用。

外野金手套獎得主 辰己涼介 因其無懈可擊的防守及優異的打擊能力而聞名。
外野金手套獎得主 辰己涼介 因其無懈可擊的防守及優異的打擊能力而聞名。

佐野惠太(Keita Sano)

首次入選國家隊的佐野惠太(Keita Sano),是橫濱DeNA灣星的重要打擊支柱。佐野雖然在選秀會上以較低順位進入職棒,但他用實力證明了自己的價值,多次在比賽中扮演關鍵角色。他以穩定的打擊率斬獲安打王的稱號,並在每個球季中持續展現出色的表現。這次的12強賽,佐野將是日本隊打線中一顆值得信賴的“重砲”。

佐野惠太 是橫濱DeNA灣星的重要打擊支柱。
佐野惠太 是橫濱DeNA灣星的重要打擊支柱。


The 2024 World Baseball Classic is about to kick off, with Japan's Samurai team ready to make waves in the Group B preliminaries. Despite some players being sidelined due to injuries, the strength and appeal of Team Japan remain undiminished, sparking anticipation for the exciting matches ahead. This team is not just a national representative squad but also boasts several prominent NPB stars. In this article, we introduce seven must-watch star players from Team Japan, whose development paths and performances on the field are worth delving into, from pitchers to batters.

Shosei Togo

Renowned for his extraordinary strikeout ability, Shosei Togo has made a name for himself since high school, gradually rising in prominence in the NPB. From high school to becoming a key player for the Yomiuri Giants, Togo has consistently been crowned the strikeout king of the Central League due to his stable performance and efficient pitching. His endurance and precision have made him an indispensable pitcher for the Giants and the league. This year, he showcased his potential and strength by pitching a no-hitter at Koshien Stadium.

Ohta Taisei

As a new generation of fireball closers, Ohta Taisei has quickly risen in the NPB. His fast pitches and stable performance have seen him playing the role of the closer for the Giants and frequently securing crucial saves. Taisei's name symbolizes a rapidly emerging pitcher in the NPB who not only performed exceptionally in his rookie season but also continually pushes his limits. This season, he set a new personal best speed, becoming an undeniable force in the Central League.

Hiroto Takahashi

As the newly crowned ERA king of the Central League, Hiroto Takahashi's rise is indeed remarkable. From being a promising young player to a mainstay pitcher with the Chunichi Dragons, Takahashi has consistently impressed with his stable performances and stunning pitching techniques. He sparked interest in 2020 with a pitch speed of 154 km/h and has set a team record with an ERA of 1.38 this year, marking him as a cornerstone for the team's future.

Shugo Maki

Shugo Maki has become a star hitter for Yokohama due to his powerful hitting abilities. Since entering professional baseball, he has demonstrated astonishing power every season, making him a rare talent in the NPB. Last season's classic games opened more opportunities for him in international competitions. This young second baseman is an offensive powerhouse that Japan cannot ignore in the upcoming tournament.

Ryoji Kurihara

Transitioning from a catcher to an outfielder, Ryoji Kurihara has become an essential player for the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks due to his excellent hitting and defensive coverage. After overcoming injuries, Kurihara has not only stabilized his game appearances but also led the league in doubles, making him one of the leading RBI players of the season. His return has been a major boost for both his team and Japan, being one of the tournament's highly anticipated stars.

Ryosuke Tatsumi

A Gold Glove award-winning outfielder, Ryosuke Tatsumi is renowned for his impeccable defense and excellent hitting capabilities. During his time with the Rakuten Eagles, he broke a 76-year-old record in NPB history by achieving 397 putouts, becoming the creator of a new historical record. This season, Tatsumi not only claimed the hits crown but also achieved a personal career-high batting average. His performance makes him a shining star on the NPB stage, expected to continue playing a key role in the Classic.

Keita Sano

Making his first appearance for the national team, Keita Sano is a crucial batting pillar for the Yokohama DeNA BayStars. Although he entered professional baseball with a lower draft position, Sano has proven his worth with his performance, playing pivotal roles in many games. With a consistent batting average, he claimed the title of hit leader and has consistently delivered outstanding performances each season. In this Classic, Sano will be a reliable "heavy artillery" in Japan's batting lineup.

The stories and achievements of these players are not only the pride of Japanese baseball but also a focal point for baseball fans worldwide. The rise of these stars not only inspires confidence in Japan's pursuit of victory in this tournament but also adds endless possibilities and expectations for the future of baseball games.

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